Fr. Seamus Murtagh

Fr S 2Father Seamus Murtagh believed deeply that we are called to serve during our lifetimes, and he had a special love for those without a permanent place to live, about whom he said:

When you’re standing in front of
a homeless person,
you’re standing on holy ground.

The inspiration for Holy Ground’s program grew out of Father Seamus’ unsurpassed compassion for the houseless population, just as the idea for our name grew out of his quote.

Our mission has been blessed beyond measure by Father Seamus’ deep devotion to homeless persons. We know that, without his inspiration, his vision and his determination to do more for those who have no home, our courageous young mothers and their children would not now be standing on holy ground.

We thank Father for leading us to serve, to honor one another, and to love one another. Father Seamus  went to his “forever home” on February 17, 2021. We will all miss him, but he has left an indelible imprint on our lives.

Father had a special prayer that he would say after Communion at Mass.  Please join us in saying the prayer for him:Fr Seamus prayer